Center for Musculoskeletal Research

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Philanthropy has always played a crucial role in supporting the Johns Hopkins University’s tripartite mission of patient care, education, and research. Gifts from our donors (people like you) allow us to make significant discoveries in the laboratory and to apply the results in the clinic.

Some people give money to Hopkins out of gratitude. Giving is their way of saying thank-you for the care they have received. Other give because they are frustrated that a cure or treatment regimen has not yet been identified.

Whatever your reason, your gift, large or small, could support a specific initiative, enable us to purchase a piece of highly specialized equipment, or help a researcher create the next breakthrough. Gifts of any amount are welcomed.

Thank-you so much for helping us to continue to be THE BEST!

If you would like to support our important work, please designate your gift to the “Center for Musculoskeletal Research”. There are three ways to donate.

Make your gift using our secure online form.

Speak to someone directly over telephone at 410-955-6936.

Mail your giving form to:

Donna Clare

Director of Development

Johns Hopkins Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

601 N. Caroline Street, Suite 5251

Baltimore, MD 21287